Standard Practice for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values
STANDARD published on 1.10.2011
Designation standards: ASTM D2555-06(2011)
Publication date standards: 1.10.2011
The number of pages: 18
Approximate weight : 54 g (0.12 lbs)
Country: American technical standard
Category: Technical standards ASTM
clear wood, density survey, laminated wood, lumber modulus of elasticity, plywood, round timber, species combinations, specific gravity, strength properties, timber volumes, variability: Clear wood evaluation/testing, Compression testing--wood/wood products, Dry to green clear wood properties, Grading--wood products, Modulus of elasticity--wood products, Modulus of rupture (MOR), Shear testing--wood products, Specific gravity--wood products, Strength--wood materials/applications