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The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Securing of loads on road vehicles - Oversized and heavy load transportation - Data sheet for transportation planning for oversized and heavy load transportation - Calculation of lenght.
(Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Großraum- und Schwertransporte - Datenblatt zur Transportplanung von Großraum- und Schwertransporten - Längenberechnung.)
Standard published on 1.5.2010
Selected format:
Securing of loads on road vehicles - Oversized and heavy load transportation - Data sheet for transportation planning for oversized and heavy load transportation - Calculation of angle.
(Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Großraum- und Schwertransporte - Datenblatt zur Transportplanung von Großraum- und Schwertransporten - Winkelberechnung.)
Standard published on 1.5.2010
Selected format:
Form set for correct and foolproof management of heat-transfer systems.
(Wärmeübertragungsanlagen - Musterformulare für ordnungsgemäßes Betreiben bzw. Dokumentieren.)
Standard published on 1.9.1995
Selected format:
VDI Standardisation Work - Principles and procedures.
(VDI-Richtlinienarbeit - Grundsätze und Anleitungen.)
Standard published on 1.2.2021
Selected format:
Principles and procedures for creating VDI Expert Recommendations.
(Grundsätze und Anleitungen für die Erarbeitung von VDI-Expertenempfehlungen.)
Standard published on 1.5.2018
Selected format:
Design recommendation for GS1 transport and product labels in logistics.
(Gestaltungsempfehlung für GS1-Transport- und Produktetiketten in der Logistik.)
Standard published on 1.8.2018
Selected format:
Labelling of pallets with Auto-ID elements - Returnable wooden pallets of Euro measure (800 mm x 1200 mm).
(Kennzeichnung von Paletten mit Auto-ID-Elementen - Mehrwegholzpaletten des Euromaßes (800 mm x 1200 mm).)
Standard published on 1.10.2017
Selected format:
Chip-forming machining of pastics.
(Spanende Bearbeitung von Kunststoffen.)
Standard published on 1.1.1976
Selected format:
Design and construction of FRP components (fibre reinforced plastics); basics.
(Entwicklung von Bauteilen aus Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund; Grundlagen.)
Standard published on 1.7.1989
Selected format:
Development of FRP components (fibre reinforced plastics); concept and design.
(Entwicklung von Bauteilen aus Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund; Konzeption und Gestaltung.)
Standard published on 1.9.1993
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-02-07 (Number of items: 2 224 292)
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