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You can find a complete list of all the publishers of standards here.
German technical regulation AD 2000 Merkblatt is designed for manufacturing of pressure tanks. The qualification according to the part W0 is required for the manufacture of various materials (such as sheets, tubes, forgings, castings, rods, screws). The material manufacturer is subject to an audit to verify the technical requirements to supply the material for the above mentioned pressure field. The manufacturer is entitled to supply materials to the producers of pressure vessels, which are made according to AD 2000 Merkblatt, after receiving the certification.
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) is a global association whose mission is to streamline industry processes and resolve global supply chain issues via the adoption of common business practices and interoperable business systems. Quality requirements, guidelines, best practices and training initiatives developed and implemented by AIAG member companies save the industry millions of dollars annually by driving rework, error and scrap out of the global automotive supply chain.
API (American Petroleum Institute) is a leader in the development of petroleum and petrochemical equipment and operating standards covering topics that range from drill bits to environmental protection. These embrace proven, sound engineering and operating practices and safe, interchangeable equipment and materials. Many have been incorporated into state and federal regulations and adopted by ISO for worldwide acceptance.
ASME helps the global engineering community to develop solutions for real world challenges. The company ASME was established in 1880 as American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It is a non-profit professional organization that enables the cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and professional skills in all technical fields. Moreover, it reinforces a crucial role of engineers in the society. Subsequent ASME codes and standards, its publications, conferences, continuous education and professional development programs represent foundations for the expansion of technical knowledge and a safer world.
The International Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code determines the rules for projecting, producing and inspecting boilers and pressure vessels and for constructing nuclear power plants. The aim of these rules is to state the limit for deterioration of services. The innovations from the area of projection, materials and proven experience are continually being added.
ASTM – The company, ASTM International, belongs to the largest independent worldwide companies that deal with the development of standards, they are a reliable source of technical standards for materials, products, systems and services. ASTM International standards are known for their high technical quality and market relevancy and that is why they have an important role in the information infrastructure, which conducts projecting, manufacturing and trade in global economy. ASTM publishes standards dealing with metals, combustibility, chemical products, lubricants, fossil fuels, textiles, paints, rubber, piping, forensic sciences, electronics, energetic industry, medical devices and many other subjects.
ASTM – Adjuncts and radiographs are information and materials which supplement and support standards but because of its size, volume, image or design as well as its character are not included in the text of the standards. The complete list of available adjuncts and radiographs is attached below.
80+ volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards, which includes more than 80 volumes, contains more than 12,000 ASTM standard and it is available either in printed versions or on a CD-ROM. Volumes can be purchased individually (25% discount) or as a complete 80-volume set (50% discount).
BSi – The company, BSI British Standards, is a national standards body of the United Kingdom (NBS) and it was actually the very first one in the world. It represents national and social interests of Great Britain in all European and international standardization organizations and in the development of business information of British institutions of all sizes and sectors. BSI British Standards cooperates with manufacturing and service industries, various companies, the government and with consumers as well in order to facilitate the production of British, European and international standards. A part of BSI Group, BSI British Standards, works closely with the government of the United Kingdom, especially in the Department for Innovations, Universities and Skills (DIUS).
ČSN is a protected designation of Czech national technical standards.
DIN is a protected designation of German national technical standards.
ETSI - European Telecommunication Standard Institute(ETSI) produces globally-applicable standards for information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) including land, mobile, radio, converged, broadcast and internet technologies.
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. The 50 subject matter titles contain one or more individual volumes, which are updated once each calendar year, on a staggered basis. The annual update cycle is as follows: titles 1-16 are revised as of January 1; titles 17-27 are revised as of April 1; titles 28-41 are revised as of July 1; and titles 42-50 are revised as of October 1. Each title is divided into chapters, which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts that cover specific regulatory areas. Large parts may be subdivided into subparts. All parts are organized in sections, and most citations to the CFR refer to material at the section level.
Standards GB are Chinese national standards, which are issued by China's Standardization Administration Office (SAC).
Chinese national standards are used all over China commonly labeled as GB standards. They determine the united production requirements regarding product safety and quality .
GB standards are often modified or created according to the international standards of ISO, IEC or any other international level.
Although, they are largely harmonized, GB standards may differ from international standards .
Approximately 15% of all GB standards are obligatory and they can be identified according to the prefix GB, after which the code of the standards follows:
GB – Obligatory national standards
GB/T – Optional national standards
GB/Z – National steering technical document
GOST – National standards Gosudarstvennye Standarty
Russian standards Gosstandart (GOST) cover more than 20 industrial branches including petroleum and chemical industry as well as mining and mineral sources, power and electrical equipment, oil and gas products. GOST organization, which was originally established during the Soviet Union era, was appointed to develop and put into practice state policy in the field of standardization. This institution was adopted by the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and it is administrated by the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC).
IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.
IEEE association, which promotes the innovations and advanced technologies on behalf of mankind, is the biggest technical professional company. Its purpose is to serve the specialists who work in all branches of electrical engineering, electronics, computer technology and related fields of science and technology, which are parts of modern civilization. IEEE´s roots date back to 1884, when electricity began to influence society significantly. At that time there was one major established electrical branch, the telegraph, thanks to that in the 40s in the 19th century the world was linked through the data communication system faster than transport. Telephone industry, energy industry and light industry just began to be developed.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest producer of optional international standards. International standards determine current specifications of products, services and certified methods, helping to streamline the industry. As they are created on the basis of international agreement, they assist in overcoming barriers in international trade.
JIS covers industrial and mineral products, comparable to standards established by various industrial associations for specific needs, or standards established and used by companies (operation manuals, products specifications etc.). The need for common practices in companies of the same industrial sector leads to the establishment of industrial association standards, and the same need in terms of wider applications promotes the establishment of JIS.
In Austria, around 4,000 experts in active committees develop standards for the domestic, European and global market. They represent the interests of the economy, consumers, research, administration and society.
Together with them, Austrian Standards – the Austrian competence centre for standards – finds solutions ensuring that everything fits together perfectly and life runs smoothly. Austrian Standards distributes know-how laid down in standards as quickly as possible so that people and the economy can profit from it.
Austrian Standards, established in 1920, is structured in the business divisions of development, consulting, publishing, training and certification and finances the standardization system by more than 80 per cent through the sale of its products and services. Its legal basis is defined in the Standardization Act (Normengesetz 2016).
PNE - PNE standards are created and approved by energy companies, ČEPS, eventually by other institutions besides of electro-energy resort “industry”. These standards solve issues of distribution and transmission of electricity, they are not intended for electricity production. PNE standards have proved successful over the last 15 years and they fill in the gaps in ČNS standards appropriately “in use by the” electro-energy industry.
SAE – The company, SAE International, is a global association of more than 128,000 engineers and other related technical experts from the area of aerospace and aircraft industry, automotive industry and commercial-vehicle industry. The main activity of SAE International is life-long learning and the development of standards stated on the principle of consensus. SAE International has got its charitable branch called SAE Foundation, which supports a lot of programs including the program A World In Motion® and the program Collegiate Design Series.
STN is a protected designation of Slovak national technical standards.
TD – Technical rules are normative documents adopted at the level of different branches by an independent approval committee including relevant institutions and organizations. They are developed in cooperation with involved parties. Thanks to the consultations and consensus procedures they have been considered to be certified technical rules expressing the technical state according to the provision ČSN EN 45020 since they were approved.
TDG – Technical rules are normative documents adopted at the level of different branches by an independent approval committee including relevant institutions and organizations. They are developed in cooperation with involved parties. Thanks to the consultations and consensus procedures they have been considered to be certified technical rules expressing the technical state according to the provision ČSN EN 45020 since they were approved.
TIN – technical instructions. This is a normative document which deals with specific technical-organization measures and procedures in gas industry, following the published standards of ČSN, TPG and TD, approved by the expert committee.
TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be “produced or sold” as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Czech technical standards sorting (ČNS). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).
TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be sold or produced as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Slovak technical standards sorting (STN). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).
TNO – branch technical standards of waste management
TNV (TSWM) – branch technical standards of water management. The structure of standards regarding water management included in Class 75 is based on the elementary standard of water management ČSN 750000. Technical standards of water management ( TNV) (TSWM) processed within the section of water management of the Ministry of Agriculture are classified according to the same structure. TNV (TSWM) is obligatory if it is mention in the text of the particular provision of law.
TPG – Technical rules are normative documents adopted at the level of different branches by an independent approval committee including relevant institutions and organizations. They are developed in cooperation with involved parties. Thanks to the consultations and consensus procedures they have been considered to be certified technical rules expressing the technical state according to the provision ČSN EN 45020 since they were approved.
TPP – the definition TPP is based on the provision of technical standard STN EN 45020 – Standardization and related activities. General dictionary. This standard was implemented into the system of STN standards after it was translated in Slovak in May 2007.
A technical rule TPP in the sense of STN EN 45020 is a normative document that is based and created by agreement and adopted at the level of different branches by an independent approval committee including relevant institutions and organizations. It represents a normative document that was developed in cooperation with involved parties. Thanks to the consultations and consensus procedures it has been considered to be a certified technical rule expressing the technical state according to the provision 1.5 and 3.1 STN EN 45020 since it was approved.
UIC – International railway union (in French "Union Internationale des Chemins de fer“, in English "International Union of Railways") is a global company, which coordinates the development and operation of railway transport in all member countries. It also solves the issues of creating new and maintaining current international connections, the unification of railway equipment. It supervises safety criteria such as interlocking plant and automatic brakes. It represents member companies at the international level.
Spanish national standards UNE are published by the company AENOR, which deals with the development of national standardization and certification in all industrial and services sectors. Its aim is to contribute to the quality, competitiveness and improvement of companies and to protect the environment.
The company, Honeywell’s UOP, has been a leading international supplier and licensor in the area of petrol refining, gasoline processing, petrochemical production and major manufacturing industries for almost 100 years. As respected pioneers, we are responsible for the developing and implementing some of the most useful original technologies in the world.
VDA – German association of automobile industry (VDA) consists of approximately 600 members, the companies that united in order to devote themselves to the research and production of flawless and safe cars of the future. In the country that is known for its successful development in the area of cars and trucks, the VDA association represents the car producers and supplier companies. It provides continuous and competitive use of their experience and knowledge. The cooperation between producers and suppliers in the VDA framework is unique in the world of automobile industry.
VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).
The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Latest update: 2025-02-07 (Number of items: 2 224 292)
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