TPP - Slovak standards

Standards TPP - Slovak standards

TPP – the definition TPP is based on the provision of technical standard STN EN 45020 – Standardization and related activities. General dictionary. This standard was implemented into the system of STN standards after it was translated in Slovak in May 2007.
A technical rule TPP in the sense of STN EN 45020 is a normative document that is based and created by agreement and adopted at the level of different branches by an independent approval committee including relevant institutions and organizations. It represents a normative document that was developed in cooperation with involved parties. Thanks to the consultations and consensus procedures it has been considered to be a certified technical rule expressing the technical state according to the provision 1.5 and 3.1 STN EN 45020 since it was approved.

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TPP 30402 (380304)

Plniace stanice CNG pre motorové vozidlá.

Standard published on 1.3.2013

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (16.30 USD)

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16.30 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60501 (380605)

Regulačné stanice plynu umiestnené pod úrovňou terénu.

Standard published on 1.2.2010

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (14.10 USD)

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14.10 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60502 (380605)

Regulačné stanice plynu na prepravu a distribúciu.

Standard published on 1.4.2015

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (15.60 USD)

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15.60 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60503 (380605)

Technologické schémy regulačných staníc.

Standard published on 1.4.2006

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (12.70 USD)

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12.70 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60504 (380605)

Regulačné stanice plynu pre kompresorové stanice prepravnej siete.

Standard published on 1.11.2016

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (15.60 USD)

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15.60 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60901 (380609)

Regulátory tlaku zemného plynu na vstupný tlak do 0,5 MPa.

Standard published on 1.7.2002

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (11.20 USD)

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11.20 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 60902 (380609)

Regulačné zostavy pre uličné plynovody.

Standard published on 1.1.2013

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (17.70 USD)

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17.70 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 70102 (380701)

Plynovody zo sklolaminátu.

Standard published on 1.2.2003

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (12.70 USD)

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12.70 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 70103 (380701)

Technické a bezpečnostné podmienky pre práce a činnosti vykonávané v ochrannom pásme VTL plynovodov.

Standard published on 1.6.2013

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (14.10 USD)

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14.10 USD

in 7 working days
TPP 70201 (380702)

Plynovody a prípojky z polyetylénu.

Standard published on 1.6.2014

Selected format:
Slovak -
Print design (18.50 USD)

Show all technical information.
18.50 USD

in 7 working days

Entries shown from 1 to 10 out of a total of 43 entries.

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