ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-5 (018237)

Public transport - Network and timetable exchange (NeTEx) - Part 5: Alternative modes exchange format

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STANDARD published on 1.12.2022

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Price125.00 USD excl. VAT
125.00 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-5
Classification mark: 018237
Catalog number: 515702
Publication date standards: 1.12.2022
SKU: NS-1091127
The number of pages: 514
Approximate weight : 1573 g (3.47 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

IT applications in transport and trade

Annotation of standard text ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-5 (018237):

NeTEx is dedicated to the exchange of scheduled data (network, timetable and fare information). It is based on Transmodel European reference model for PT data. The most recent version of NeTEx v1.1 is based on the most recent version of Transmodel, V6.0 (EN 12986 1/2/3/4/5/6), which now incorporates the prior IFOPT (EN 28701). NeTEx also relates to SIRI (CEN 15531-1/2/3/4) and supports the exchange of information of relevance for passenger information about public transport services and also for running Automated Vehicle Monitoring Systems (AVMS).

This Part 5 of NeTEx is specifically concerned with the exchange of reference data to support "new" alternative modes for mobility services, adding certain new concepts to the NeTEx schema (indicated as NeTEx v1.2.2), but also to a high degree making use of existing schema elements defined in NeTEx Parts 1, 2 and 3

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